Sample Collection Best Practice
The best practice is to collect the sample in a sterile bottle and run an ATP test as close to sampling as possible. However, we realize not everyone can collect and run samples the same day.
Sample Storage
The temperature of the Luminase enzyme affects results, with room temperature recommended when running the test. Cell activity, however, will vary based on the temperature. At lower temperatures, cellular metabolism and reproduction are slowed. Therefore, ATP levels will be reduced. This is why it's recommended that samples be tested immediately at ambient temperature to ensure you get the most representative results. If samples were stored cold, allow them to return to ambient temperature before running the test protocol.
Before ATP Testing (I can't test right away):
If you can't run the ATP after sampling, we recommend storing the sample cold until you can test (maximally 24 to 48 hours). Be sure to allow the sample to return to ambient temperature before conducting an ATP analysis. Do not add or remove treatments beyond what would naturally occur in the system.
During ATP Testing (Stopping My Test):
There is a good stopping off point for all of our test kits. In general, when the ATP is extracted in a tube with just UltraLyse, the lysing buffer also contains ATP stabilizers. In this tube, the extracted ATP is stable for at least 24 hours. Be sure to allow the sample to return to ambient temperature before running an ATP analysis, and note you had to store it and wait when comparing it to other results.