LuminUltra has developed a new screen for adding test data that is similar to the original screen, except that it can handle multiple samples from multiple locations. This allows you to enter all samples on a single screen, rather than one at a time, saving you time and effort!
To use the rapid data entry
- Create your site and sample locations if not already created.
- If you wish to take ATP readings through Test+Analyze, ensure Cloud Connector is installed and the same email address used for myLuminUltra sign-in has been entered.
- Ensure that your PhotonMaster and PBM are connected and powered on (Cloud Connector should display the PBM status as “Connected”).
- Open the Add Test Data (Rapid Entry) screen and select the desired site if you were not already viewing it.
- Click the Sample Locations dropdown to select the number of samples to enter for each location.
- As the number of samples is specified at each location, the screen expands to accommodate each sample. You can advance to specific sample entries by either scrolling down or clicking the specific sample location name at the top of the screen.
- If your equipment is properly attached, the PBM status at the top right corner should report as “Connected” and the “Read” buttons next to each RLU field throughout the screen should be coloured green to indicate they are enabled for direct readings. Otherwise, these fields also accept manual entry by typing the RLU values returned by your luminometer.
- Upon completion of all mandatory fields (indicated by a red asterisk), the ATP results should automatically calculate and appear on the right. Calculations can also be manually triggered by clicking the calculator icon next to the test kit name. The data automatically saves as well. The successful save is indicated by a green checkmark and a status of “Done”.
- If you realize the saved data is entered incorrectly, you can update the necessary fields and get the recalculated results, or you can delete the data point altogether by clicking the trash icon that is also found next to the test kit name.
- When all test kit data, supplemental data, and notes have been added for each sample collected, click the “Done” button at the bottom of the screen to return to the site overview where you can view your results for each sample location