If you are a site owner you are able to edit a test result and can also modify the date if necessary.
If you created a site you are automatically the owner of that site. If you did not create the site then check with the person who shared the site with you to see if you have been given owner permissions.
Mobile platform
- Navigate to the results tabs and select the result you need to edit; then tap the result details under the test kit or supplemental data.
- Update your data as needed (this can be done manually or with the PBM); and calculate the result.
- You can also edit the date simply by tapping on the date details; the date input control should then open and you can set the desired date and then select Done.
Web platform
- You can also edit data using the web platform, simply select the test you wish to update from the test results list or from recent data on your Dashboard.
- Then select the Edit option (note, you can also Delete the data from here if needed)
- Update your data as needed (this can be done manually or with the PBM); and then calculate the result and select Done when you are satisfied with your changes.